Velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) is nerve tonic, decreases diabetes chances and high blood pressure, cure constipation, helpful against abdominal worm and safe to use


          Plants have been used as medicine for the treatment of diseases for thousands of years. These herbal remedies, although natural, can cause some serious damaging effects on the vital organs of the body due to inadequacy in standardization and safety regulations.

All   parts of Mucuna pruriens possess valuable  medicinal properties in the traditional system of medicine  and  are  used 

used in bone fractures,  cough,  dog-bite, madness, pain, pleuritis,  ringworm, scorpion sting,  snake-

      bite sores, and syphilis. The seeds, pods, and leaves are described as a vermifuge (against intestinal 


The  seeds  are  used  for  human food  and  as  an aphrodisiac (a substance that increases sexual desire, 

sexual pleasure, or sexual behavior)

*       nerve  tonic  and are  also  useful  in  leucorrhoea (a whitish or yellowish discharge of mucus from the vagina), spermatorrhoea (excessive, involuntary ejaculation ) and  scorpion  sting.  

The roots are said to be used in cholera, elephantiasis and also as a diuretic (increase the urgency of 

urination) and purgative ( prevent constipation).

*      Mucuna pruriens is well known for producing itching.  This property  is  attributed  to the presence of 

       5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in the hair on the pods. Leaves are applied to ulcers. 

*      The  seeds  have  been  reported  to  be anti-diabetic, antifungal, anti-oxidant  activity,  hypotensive, hypocholesterolemic, hypothermic and antiparkinsonian activities.  Seeds contain   alkaloids,   glycosides,   reducing   sugars, saponins, tannins, terpenoids, calcium,     phosphorus and potassium, polyphenolic  substances,  protease  inhibitor,  phytic  acid  and  L-dopa. 


       The present study reports the acute  systematic toxicity and topical toxicity of  methanolic  extract  of Mucuna  pruriens (seeds) on albino mice and rabbits respectively. Test  solution  was injected intravenously into the tail as 1ml/20gm of the mice body weight. The observation was  made immediately and after 1/2, 1, 4, 24, 48, and 72hours of drug administration

       Mice  showed  normal  activity  till  72hours. The  intracutaneous the test  is designed  to  evaluate  local  responses  to  the  extracts  of  materials  under  test  following intracutaneous injection into rabbits. The toxicological investigations of Mucuna pruriens with particular reference to intracutaneous toxicity in experimental animals displayed that it showed slight edema.  


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